March 1871

Abbie B., age 22, Kansas
March 3, 1871

The children were much improved, and brother thought it safe to leave them, and bring me over here to see the Ill. cousins. We came over that twenty miles of open prairie I saw last Sept. when we went out to look at the cattle. Now the ponds are full of water, and look like lakes. The Jordan was as dry as a stick when we crossed it last Summer. Now it is quite a stream, with ponds here and there like beads on a string. One place we crossed a little stream, and the horses nearly mired. Indeed one laid down and there was danger of drownding. Brother talked to them and encouraged them. After floundering around they found firmer foot hold, and pulled the spring waggon buggy out, I feared the buggy would pull to pieces, and dump us in the water, but “all is well that ends well.”

Brother called my attention to the bull rushes growing there, and said he should not have crossed there, as it was likely to be boggy where they grew.

We found cousin Emma’s family well, and next morning brother started back.

*(, Kansas State Historical Society, copy and reuse restrictions apply)

Abbie B., age 22, Kansas
March 10, 1871

I am having a very happy visit here. Made a dress for the baby, and did some other sewing. Went to school one p. m. with the girls. Was pleased with the school, good order, and good teachers. The cousins have many books. I have enjoyed reading some of Shakespere plays and from Goody’s Ladies Book out loud to cousin Emma. She has good help, so does not need to worry about house work. I had expected to have gone down to Egypt to see cousin Sallie [Barnes], and had engaged passage in the buss from here to Danville, twenty miles to the railroad. It rained and the Vermillion was so high the buss could not cross. The buss only makes two trips a week, and every seat was en­gaged for next trip. I waited a week, and in the mean time it rained some more and the water was high again. I think some of giving up the trip. It is 150 miles direct South, but I must go a round about way, which will make the trip much longer.  

 *(, Kansas State Historical Society, copy and reuse restrictions apply)

Abbie B., age 22, Kansas
March 23, 1871

Olive P. O. Ill. Here I am at last. The bus left for Danville at 6 a. m. Monday just two weeks from the time I had expected to leave. We had only gone a few miles when it began to rain and blow. I could hardly hold the umberela. I had to use it, as the bus had no top.

The Vermillion was still high, the water going over the hubs when we crossed. There were only three passengers, I was sur­prised to hear one of them discuss Greek mythology with the driver. Spent the night in D—and next morning went as far as Toulon, where I changed cars to the Ill. Central and waited three hours for the south bound train. From Toulon to Oden is a grand prairie, the most extensive I have seen. When night came we could see away to the East a prairie fire. Beached Oden at eight, and spent the night there. Next morning took an east train, and reached Bridgeport after twelve p. m.

The cousins had been in twice to meet me, not knowing about the high water—they had decided I was not coming.

A friend of theirs—who knew of my coming, secured passage for me with a man who was going on past their home. He was an elderly man, and very talkative, so by asking a few questions, I learned much of the country and the people who live there.

The cousins thought I had given up coming, and were surprised to see me. They have two children, and we have already become good friends.

*(, Kansas State Historical Society, copy and reuse restrictions apply)

Sarah Simpson