November 1986

Marcy S., age 62, North Carolina
November 3, 1986

Lord Jesus, please teach me to love my brothers and sisters fervently and with a pure heart. Let me not be timid or afraid to show love. I desire that unfeigned love to flow through me to others today. Thank You for enabling me to love by Your indwelling Spirit.

Marcy S., age 62, North Carolina
November 6, 1986

Tonight I will be “preaching” for the first time at one of the nursing homes. Myrtle has done it so many times, in addition to leading the singing, that I felt guilty and volunteered to speak tonight. Thank You, Lord, for giving me Your confidence and a consciousness of Your presence. I thank You, too, for suggesting the topic of “peace” and all the beautiful Scriptures you showed me. May Your Word be a blessing to each and everyone tonight.

Marcy S., age 62, North Carolina
November 7, 1986

Patience, kindness, gentleness — Lord, I want my spirit to be completely under the control of Your Spirit so that these qualities will be present in my life day by day.

Marcy S., age 62, North Carolina
November 8, 1986

Yesterday I talked with Brother Oscar and Sister Nellie about Mark and Sandra W. In his last letter Mark asked if he could bring Sandra W. to Tarboro so that we could meet her. Emily and Sarah will probably come, too, and I wasn’t just sure whether I could open my heart and home to Sandra or not. “To make a long story short” Oscar and Nellie pointed out that Jesus loved sinners and that love is capable of breaking down a person’s resistance much more than judgment and condemnation. Mark knows how I feel about his living in adultery with Sandra, but I am still to love him and her without condemnation.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for changing my heart attitude toward them.

Sarah Simpson